Milan. On the night before his retirement after 35 years without having fired a shot, Lieutenant Amore sees his world turned upside down. But maybe it is the world around him that has changed. A thriller poised perilously between law and criminality.
公元22世纪,因为人口过度膨胀、过度开发、环境极度恶化、食物也消耗殆尽。人类想要存活下去,就必须要到宇宙中去寻找新的可以栖身的星球。因此制造了一艘当时最先进的太空飞船,去考察发现的一颗可能适宜人类生存的星球。罗伯逊(威廉·赫特 William Hurt 饰)一家被选中担负起了这次探索使命,他们将用10年的时间前往阿尔法星球。可是,这次担负起全人类命运的任务却有反对的声音,部分邪恶势力妄图阻止这次任务。所以,当罗伯逊一家驾驶太空船刚进入太空的预定轨道时,反对派史密斯博士暗中进行破坏,导致飞船脱离的正常的轨道迫降到了一颗不知名的星球上。飞船上邪恶势力的阻挠,不知名星球上的种种危机,如何才能重新设定新的航线……各种问题困惑着罗伯逊一家,他们真的就此迷失太空,无法到达目的地了吗?人类的命运将何去何从?
An action crime comedy set in the last days of communism in Poland, a story of folk-hero thief, who escaped 29 times from cops. Naymro was living on his own terms against the system. But love and collapsing Berlin Wall changed everything.