弗兰克(约翰尼·梅辛纳 Johnny Messner 饰)曾经是一名警察,但是因为过去发生了种种不堪回首的往事,弗兰克辞去了警察的职务,发誓再不与这个圈子有半点瓜葛。一天,弗兰克接到了莫斯警探的通知,震惊的得知,自己唯一的儿子惨遭人杀害,身为一名父亲,还有比这更可怕的消息了吗?于是,弗兰克从隐居的乡下返回了市里,他发誓要制裁杀人凶手,为自己的儿子报仇。
弗兰克归来的消息惊动了前帮派分子奥古斯丁诺(史蒂文·西格尔 Steven Seagal 饰),早已经金盆洗手的他如今干着合法的买卖。当弗兰克在不断调查案件真相的同时,奥古斯丁诺也在暗中监视着他,不为别的,只为保护他自己的儿子的安全。
IAS officer Chanchala Reddy is imprisoned in a haunted house, while she is interrogated by law enforcers investigating a politician they suspect of corruption.
In the present day, three friends to make ends meet invent a "criminal tour" for the places which were scenes of the Banda della Magliana criminal acts, even with vintage clothes. Suddenly they are catapulted in the 1982, during the Spain World Cup, facing the real Banda della Magliana, which at that time had the control over illegal bets. Written by theclubber
The story begins with the three thugs robbing the car. They expected money, but found the dead body instead. They have to investigate who was the real killer while the police are chasing them.
After being conned into buying a shady '65 Chrysler, Mike's first date plans with girl-next-door Kelsey implode as he finds himself targeted by criminals, cops, and a crazy cat lady.
1994年,美国纽约。退役军人诺亚·迪亚兹(安东尼·拉莫斯 Anthony Ramos 饰)为了给弟弟治病而四处求职,却不断碰壁,情急之下他铤而走险,打算偷车销赃赚钱。谁曾想第一单就偷了变成汽车形态的博派战士幻影(皮特·戴维森 Pete Davidson 配音),随即卷入宇宙层级的大战争中。原来宇宙中游弋着被称为灭世邪神的恐怖之王宇宙大帝(科尔曼·多明戈 Colman Domingo 配音),它靠不断吞噬其他能源富足的星球补充能量,为此急需要能够折叠空间的“超曲速钥匙”来满足贪欲。此前数千年,被宇宙大帝灭亡家园的擎天圣(朗·普尔曼 Ron Perlman 配音)带着钥匙逃到地球,而他们的踪迹终于被宇宙大帝及其爪牙天灾(彼特·丁拉基 Peter Dinklage 配音)发现。